The Tennessee Aviation System Plan (TASP) and Economic Impact Study include the State's 78 public-use airports.
The TASP provides the State with critical data and information to assist in decision making and project prioritization for the State’s public-use airports.
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) – Aeronautics Division is embarking on an effort to develop a comprehensive update to both the 2001 Tennessee State Airport System Plan and the 2014 Statewide Aviation Economic Impact Study. These studies, titled the Tennessee Aviation System Plan (TASP) and Economic Impact Study provide the State with critical data and information to assist in decision making and project prioritization for the State’s public-use airports.
The primary purpose of the TASP is to study the performance and interaction of Tennessee’s airports to understand their interrelationship and identify the overall State airport system needs. The TASP is intended to guide decisions and educate those who oversee the system, including local, State, and federal policy makers.

Public Input
To provide guidance and support for implementation of the TASP and Economic Impact Study, an Advisory Committee (AC) has been established. The AC consists of various stakeholders, including airports, TDOT modal office representatives, and MPO and regional planning council members. In addition to being guided by the AC, public input will be sought throughout the TASP planning process, including through regional ACIP meetings, modal integration working groups, seeking stakeholder input, state conferences and public workshops, and through this project website.
Follow the dedicated links on this page for both the TASP and the Economic Impact Study to find study specific information and materials. Be sure to check back often for updates on the TASP process, and click on the “Contact” tab at the top to provide any thoughts you have regarding TASP.

Tennessee Department of Transportation, Aeronautics Division
7335 Centennial Boulevard
Nashville, TN 37209