Hangar Rates and Charges Resources

Fair Market Value for Tennessee's Hangars

TDOT Aeronautics Division has developed the Hangar Rates and Charges Interactive Equation Module and Companion Guidebook to assist Tennessee's airports in charging fair market value for their hangar spaces

Despite the desirability of Tennessee's hangar spaces and the reported low supply of hangars, the findings from the recent TASP Rates and Charges Survey outlined relatively low hangar rents. This contributes to long hangar waitlists for prospective hangar tenants.

TN Hangar Rates and Charges Guidebook (PDF)

TDOT Aeronautics Division Interactive Hangar Rates & Charges Module

TN Hangar Rates and Charges Guidebook Executive Summary (PDF)

Hangar Lease Agreement Template

Hangar Rates and Charges Webinar Recording

Hangar Rates and Charges Presentation 9/19/2024

Hangar Rates and Charges Module Feedback Form

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Public Outreach

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Economic Impact Study

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Tennessee Aviation System Plan